Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Do we like the trappings

better than the finished products?  Sometimes I wonder.  I can stand and stare at a notions wall for a good long time.  I don't like or want all the gadgets but I do enjoy pin cushions, scissors, needles...oh the needles.  I like a tiny little needle when I sew.  Which reminds me, I have the coolest packages of needles but I didn't even think of those when I was taking pictures.  I'll show you those tomorrow. 

Today I have this on my mind.....I mean, really!  That box of Cosmo threads is awesome.  I needed 16 skeins for a project.  The shop only had 15 but 12 were still boxed up.  Man, if I could buy all my thread like that I'd be doing nothing but monochromatic projects. 
 These lovelies are for a Crabapple Hill project. 
Now, don't go holding your breath or anything.  I'm a good 2 years into another Crabapple Hill project with no projected finish date. 

I once bought the Valdani threads for a cross stitch project simply because I WANTED those little balls of thread.  Turns out the prepackaged collection was in skeins but I'm sure the end result will be worth the investment....assuming I complete the project in this life time.  That's a conversation for another day.



  1. Love the threads and the colors in that project!

  2. I've never heard of Cosmo threads, but they look wonderful--that project is really going to be beautiful!

  3. Great project Libby. I too love little needles and I have the best pincushion from my Christmas swap partner!
