Monday, April 30, 2012

Back from the dead?

It's like I died or dropped off the face of the earth, isn't it?  Really, it's just adjusting back to life-after-vacation.  Plus, the college kids have been in and out.  Soon they'll be home to stay with another year of college under their belts.  They have a 6 or 7 week hiatus between school and summer jobs.  I need to bask in the glory of my house to myself for as long as I can.  (The one non-college student is so busy at school that she's easy-peasy.) 

Anyhow, before vacation I'd taken 2 quilts to the super fast quilter.  They're bound and ready for their debut.  I started both of these at my quilt retreat in January.

This Bow Tie quilt in Civil War fabrics is the 6th and final quilt in the first Pioneer Women's quilt series.  The first 5 were small...which I love doing.  This one hung around in my to-do pile for a year or two.  

The quilting, which is hard to see on such a busy quilt, is pine trees and bears. 

 Next is the cover quilt from Cheryl Wall's Country Comforts book.  It's called Over, Under, Around, and Through.  Cool, isn't it? 
 The quilting is a cute little smiling flower that suits the fabric perfectly. 
I have a few more projects to show...they just need photographing. 

In the mean time I have a conundrum.  As I've previously posted, I went to a cross stitch retreat last month.  We received some wonderful goody bags which included patterns donated by designers.  Many of them are free patterns but some are patterns that would have been sold but the shops or designers gave them to the shop to give to us stitchers.  I've picked thru and taken what I'd like to stitch and can't figure out what to do with the rest.  So here's the question..... if I do some sort of give-a-way (one that might involve encouraging people to pick what they want, add to the collection, and send it to someone else to do the same) am I going to come under fire by critics of pattern sharing or giving or whatever might feel like undermining the designers?  It's not worth it if people are going to get themselves worked up about it.  However, I'm of the waste not, want not school of thought and I hate to waste something that someone else might enjoy.  Quite possibly something they'd never buy.  Let me know what you think.



  1. Your quilts look great!! Not being a quilter myself, I had no idea that they could quilt them in different shapes--love the bears and trees--it is perfect for that quilt...

    Enjoy what's left of your quiet days!! I wish I had an answer about the chart giveaway...I really don't have any ideas, though.

    Enjoy your week!

  2. Love your quilts! Both so different in color and shapes ~ very fun!
    It is so hard to know what to do these days with patterns. It seems as if some believe that once you purchase a pattern, it must be yours forever. I like waste not, want not. I have patterns that I have outgrown due to changes in what I like to stitch, what to do with them? I am not for copying patterns by any means, but is passing along a chart when one is finished really so bad?
