Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I continue to make progress on my Sam/Sarah Advent pieces. 

I even stitched one extra this month.  I lost count of what's been stitched and they're so quick and easy to pick up that I just started another without counting. 

The exciting project is this quilt......The Great Pumpkin.  I mentioned this one last fall as trying to kill me.  No exaggeration, either.  That top band....huge.  The pattern was a nightmare, too.  I finally just tackled it step by step.  There is also a block in there that I had to create myself.  I don't know what ever happened to my July monthly block.  I either never got it or lost it.  It's hard to believe I lost it because I'm pretty darn organized.  It happened when I got home from Costa Rica and things were chaotic.  However I didn't discover there was a missing block until I was sewing the top together.  I simply let too much time go by to figure out what might have happened.  The store denied not sending one and I wasn't going to pay for another. 

 Anyhow, the quilting is amazing. 

Look at the echo around those stars. 

Enough time has gone by since I dropped the dreaded thing off at my quilters to make me happy about it.  Absense makes the heart grow fonder and all that. 

I am anxiously watching my mailbox for the newest block of the month I signed up for.  Suspense.....I'll track down a photo of the project for my next post.

Happy Stitching. 


  1. Libby, both you and your quilter did an astonishing job.

  2. I quilted this pattern awhile's huge and I loved it! Absence does make the heart grow fonder when you wait.

  3. Really amazing job by both you and the quilter!! I really love the July block and the one with the crow and stars.
