Friday, May 25, 2012

Forgotten block.

I saw my camera card out of the camera and wondered what I'd been planning to do.  Then I wondered into my sewing room and noticed how tidy my sewing area was.  Hmmm.  What was I working on before everything go so busy?  Oh, yes.  This block....

It was a pretty quick block and now I'm all caught up with my block of the month projects. 

What to start next?? 

We've been working hard on  the yard.  So much work getting everything spiffy for summer. 



  1. Aww...that is a really cute block!! There sure is a ton to do this time of year, isn't there? I have my youngest home this weekend--hoping to get some good manual labor out of him in exchange for some good old home-cooking :)

    Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!
